Rip It Up

Men From Earth: Wildwood Echoes

A band consisting of four members, from four generations, could result in a confusing sound. However, Men From Earth pull it off with ease – and as their name suggests, they sound as natural as a river flowing into a waterfall.

It’s this respect for nature that translates on their debut album Wildwood Echoes, the linear note stating the band would like to “thank the trees that supplied the timber which enabled… the magic transformation from wood to fine instrument.”

Stringing together blues, folk, country and even Celtic roots, there is nothing modern about this album. Every heartfelt lyric, strum and beat is carefully thought out and recorded to tape – adding an authentic overall sound. It’s easy listening at it’s best.

Only a minute long, the first track Dark Hollow, sets the aura with simplicity; nothing but the banjo and a soothing human voice. Rest in Peace isn’t as sombre as you’d expect, instead the six-string, percussion section, mandolin and double-bass create a hoe-down feel, that is a celebration of a friend that has passed on. Like most of the album, Brother & Sister is built on country roots – and it’s tracks like these that could be too ‘cheesy’ for those ears who aren’t tuned to the genre.

Of course it goes without saying, if you crave synth, this album may not be for you. However, if you consider yourself an old soul, or just appreciate raw and real music – your ear canals with be more than satisfied.
