30 Million Minutes, a new show based on Dawn’s life and career, has already garnered widespread critical acclaim during an extensive tour of the UK. It consists of various delights and riches, with the odd irksome tribulation thrown in, as Dawn takes audiences through the various lessons life has taught her, and the things she knows for sure. The evidence is there for all to see. She is already three quarters certifiably daft. The other quarter is utterly bewildered. And the remaining quarter simply can’t do maths.
With a sharp eye for comic detail and a wicked ear for the absurdities of life, Dawn French of Cornwall shares how she has misguidedly spent her whole life vigorously attempting to be a fully functioning female human. Her extraordinary lack of willpower, combined with an enviable knack for nosey parking and showing off, has driven her to grapple with the big stuff of life in public. 30 million minutes of life in fact. That’s how long she’s been alive.
This very special live theatre event will be at Her Majesty’s Theatre on Tuesday, April 5. Tickets for the Adelaide performance will go on sale at midday this Friday, December 4. For complete tour and ticketing details, visit www.livenation.com.au.