Rip It Up


Apple pulls ‘throw your phone’ app designed to break your phone

Words by James McCann November 2, 2015

A smartphone app based around users chucking their devices into the air as high as they can has been banned by Apple, who have presumably failed to realise the potential correlation between sales of the app and new iPhone purchases.

The game detects how high users throw their phone before it falls back to earth. According to the game’s creator, his intention was to smash as many phones as possible.


via Facebook

Petr Svarovsky is the man behind Carrot Pop, a Norwegian company who boast that they make ‘nasty games’. Other than Send Me To Heaven, their titles include BURN CASH, a dastardly spoof of games with in app purchases, which ranks users in order of how much money they’re willing to throw away.

Send me to Heaven was released some time ago, but failed to ‘take off’ – possibly because everybody who really got into the game promptly broke their phone and had to stop playing. In the last few hours though, its popularity has spiked out of the blue on Reddit (as things are want to do on Reddit), and there’s already hype starting around a new fan-made sequel. Send Me To Hell will remove all sense of hope from the game, and ask users to simply drop their phones from a great height.

This many be the most disturbing smartphone trend since Extreme Phone Pinching.

phone pinching

via Facebook (where the page has only 50 likes, and never really took off)

The Google Play Store, however, have always been a bit more laissez-fair, so Android users are still free to wreck their devices.

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Send Me To Heaven / Facebook
